Supporters in 2023
Last year, as well as one-off and regular donations from individuals and churches, we were delighted to receive grants and donations from the following organisations and trusts:
J N Derbyshire Trust
Leathersellers Group
The Lady Hind Trust
Maurice & Hilda Laing Charitable Trust
Matthew Wrightson
The Benefact Trust
The Souter Charitable Trust
The Good News Alliance
National Lottery Awards for All
The Sage Trust
The Thomas Farr Charity
Nottinghamshire PCC Hidden Harms Grant
Nottinghamshire PCC Make Notts Safe Grant
(We also received a number of grants and awards from organisations and trusts who wished to remain anonymous).
Each of these supporters has provided essential funding for different parts of our project, such as improving wellbeing and mental health, outreach, individual support and supporting survivors of domestic abuse.
We’re so thankful for the work of our fundraising team in applying for grant funds, and we’re grateful to these funders (and many more who wished to remain anonymous) for taking an interest in our mission.